Welcome to Keith Ferrazzi’s Whiteboard Blog FAQ.
Who are you, Keith Ferrazzi?
Learn more about me
Why the ‘Whiteboard’?
Because it’s a favorite tool in my company, the perfect way for a group of people to express and develop ideas creatively and fluidly – and doesn’t that sound just like a blog?
What will I find on this blog?
News, info, and tips on how to achieve success and joy through relationships, as well as interviews with smart, helpful thought leaders in the personal and professional development community. Also you’ll get an inside picture of my life and the interesting people I meet and work with.
When is your new book out and what’s it about?
May 2009, and it’s all about how close, personal peer networks – your inner circle – can revolutionize your success. Signing up for my
weekly tip is the best way to stay in the loop on the book and related events and promotions.